DVCC's Stamford and Norwalk physical offices are temporarily closed. For help, call or text our 24-hour hotline, 888-774-2900. Follow the COVID-19 Tab for updates.


Meet Michael

He is 13 years old.
A survivor of domestic violence.

My family lives together. We all live on the same block. My dad doesn’t; he almost killed us and isn’t allowed to live here anymore. He has to stay away.

One night my mother had to call 911. The police got there in time to save our lives. We were taken to the hospital in an ambulance. While we were there the nurse told my mom about DVCC. Secretly she called and they came right away. They were able to help her with a protective order so he couldn’t come around anymore. My mom was scared, we couldn’t go home. DVCC found a place for us to live where he couldn’t find us. Mom says it’s where she could think. And plan. We went to school. DVCC helped my mom get a new job, they taught her how to manage her money, and they helped her feel better.

Thanks to DVCC my sisters, my mom and me, we are all survivors of domestic violence.


Meet Jennifer

She is a survivor of domestic violence.

We moved to Westport from NYC with our three small children. A dream come true, it seemed the perfect place to raise our kids. That dream was shattered our first Christmas Eve when my husband’s rage drove my children and I from our home.

With the support of DVCC, we had a safe place to stay for the rest of the holidays. Our stay included warm meals, clothes and safety as my life was collapsing around me. To keep us safe, DVCC’s attorney advocate helped me with a restraining order and safety planning so I could get my kids back in school. My counselor provided me with strength and clarity to continue on, and they prepared me with resume building and interview prep that got me the job I have today.

Domestic violence stole my children’s innocence. DVCC brought it back.

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CALL 911

If you need to speak to a counselor, call

24 Hour Hotline 888–774–2900

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