DVCC's Stamford and Norwalk physical offices are temporarily closed. For help, call or text our 24-hour hotline, 888-774-2900. Follow the COVID-19 Tab for updates.

Awareness Months & Events

Please join us in acknowledging and participating in different months of awareness, including Domestic Violence Awareness Month in October and Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month in February. These events and initiatives are an easy and effective way for the community to make a difference and get involved in our work. It is important that we raise awareness of domestic violence in all seven towns that we serve, and that we shine a light on this pervasive, yet often not talked about, issue.

New Canaan celebrating Domestic Violence Awareness Month with purple pinwheels in front of town hall.

Stamford Police Department participating in Orange For Love Day as part of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month.

Check out the events and initiatives that we participated in as part of Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month, February 2020.

From October 2019’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month:

Stamford Government Center, Mayor David Martin makes declaration of October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month

Please contact Ann Rodwell-Lawton at arodwelllawton@dvccct.org if you would like to be involved in future awareness months.

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