DVCC's Stamford and Norwalk physical offices are temporarily closed. For help, call or text our 24-hour hotline, 888-774-2900. Follow the COVID-19 Tab for updates.


A major component of our mission is to provide effective education for the prevention and elimination of domestic violence, also referred to as Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). We achieve this through multiple means, including PeaceWorks, our youth preventive education program.

In 2019, PeaceWorks shared tools and knowledge with 17,037 youth. Additionally, we reached 1,594 adults through our trainings for community professionals, adult education programs, and awareness events. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention reports that,

“Supporting the development of healthy, respectful, and nonviolent relationships and communities has the potential to reduce the occurrence of IPV.”


Youth Preventive Education

PeaceWorks, the preventive education project of the Domestic Violence Crisis Center, believes the prevention of relationship violence in our society begins with education of youth. Our team of experienced educators provides tools for youth to help them learn how to maintain healthy relationships and solve conflicts peacefully.

Young people deserve to have the knowledge and skills needed to navigate relationships and engage in healthy, positive behaviors and social norms. We recognize it is imperative to educate young people about safe, healthy behaviors – also about warning signs, and how to intervene when they know something is not okay.

With PeaceWorks programming, middle and high school students learn about healthy relationships, dating violence, setting and respecting boundaries, consent, and healthy technological interactions through guided discussions, activities, role-playing, and other exercises. For elementary aged students, interactive book readings and puppets are utilized to discuss topics of emotion regulation, bullying, and conflict resolution.

Programming is often offered in schools through a partnership with health teachers, physical education teachers, and/or social workers. Preventive education programs are also offered at other youth-oriented programs and wherever youth might gather.

Adult Preventive Education

We welcome the opportunity to speak to any group of adults about the issue of domestic violence. It is important for parents to learn about the skills and concepts taught during our youth preventive education programs. We provide education for parents on the topics covered through our youth preventive education programs so that they can reinforce these skills and concepts at home and integrate them into their daily lives.

Professional Trainings

DVCC also provide trainings to community professionals to ensure that systems and institutions are adequately addressing the problem of domestic violence. These trainings aim to give professionals the skills to combat these issues in their daily practice, including recognizing and responding appropriately to instances of domestic violence. Trainings can be tailored to any audience, including healthcare professionals, law enforcement, social service professionals, human resources managers, and employers.

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