DVCC's Stamford and Norwalk physical offices are temporarily closed. For help, call or text our 24-hour hotline, 888-774-2900. Follow the COVID-19 Tab for updates.

24/7 Crisis Intervention

Hotline / Safe Connect

DVCC is excited to be a part of the new statewide domestic violence hotline system, Safe Connect, as of November 1, 2019. Safe Connect allows Connecticut to streamline the many access points that currently exist for survivors of domestic violence seeking services into one comprehensive, statewide coordinated triage and response. After triaging immediate needs, Safe Connect directly connects victims and survivors in need of additional support with DVCC, if the individual is within our catchment area. Victims and survivors can then receive ongoing, services and support, with DVCC’s trained staff. Certified domestic violence counselors are available 24/7 via phone, text, chat, and email through Safe Connect.

Lethality Assessment Program (LAP)

The Lethality Assessment Program (LAP) is an innovative partnership with law enforcement to implement nationally recognized risk assessment strategies. Trained police on the scene of a domestic violence incident use a specialized lethality assessment instrument to assess a victim’s risk for serious injury or death and can then immediately link those at greatest risk to a DVCC advocate for support and safety information.

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CALL 911

If you need to speak to a counselor, call

24 Hour Hotline 888–774–2900

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