DVCC's Stamford and Norwalk physical offices are temporarily closed. For help, call or text our 24-hour hotline, 888-774-2900. Follow the COVID-19 Tab for updates.

Safety Planning

It is important to have a plan to increase safety as violence can escalate. A victim cannot control his or her partner’s abusive behavior, but they can take steps to protect themselves and their children from harm. A safety plan is a personalized and practical plan that helps identify things a victim can do to better protect themselves and their children and to help reduce the risk of being hurt.


Safety plans can include:

  • Obtaining a new cell phone
  • Changing a routine
  • Changing locks and installing security systems
  • Determining ways to keep children safe
  • Creating a plan for where to go should an incident occur
  • Calling Domestic Violence Crisis Center


If a victim is planning to leave, here are some thing to consider:

  • Putting aside a bag with money, a change of clothes, identification, and medication.
  • Putting aside important documents like birth certificates and social security cards.


DVCC is here to help victims interested in developing a personalized safety plan. Leaving an abusive situation can be the most dangerous time. It is strongly encouraged that a victim gets professional help and support during this time.

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If you need to speak to a counselor, call

24 Hour Hotline 888–774–2900

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